38 Cline Street
Norwalk, OH 44857
Whether you are currently building your home or your home is all finished, the thought has probably crossed your mind, wouldn't it be nice if I had music all throughout my house. There are many systems currently out there and the Google home and Amazon Echo have also made some of this possible. But what about when people want a Home Theater System, multiple room speakers, outdoor speakers and still want it to be easily controlled, and all integrated with their other room speakers? Sonos has answers for that. With one app on your phone you can control each speaker and or room individually with complete control.
Lets take a look at Sonos. (Check our our Sonos Whole Home Audio Page also). Back when Whole Home Audio Systems started. There was a control room or Home location where all your equipment would be (and still is), but you would generally have to goto the amp or speaker selectors and choose which speakers to play to and what you wanted to play. Then we were able to make it so you could use a remote control from a different location to change these settings. But you still had the source of your CD's, tape deck, or FM Radio. Times then changed and now we have our music and just about all our sources on our smart phones or smart devices and not CD's.
So now what? What if there was a company that allowed you to use up to 32 speakers or devices in your house, create rooms with these devices, and then control them from an app on your Smartphone? Better yet, what if you could integrate your streaming services (Pandora, Tune in, Spotify and lots more) into these speakers also? You can!! Sonos is one of the leaders when it comes to this very thing.
The Sonos System allows you to create a 5.1 Home Theater room in your living room, place recessed speakers in any other rooms in your house (especially if your house is being built), or place portable speakers in these rooms, and control what music you want to play in each room at any given time. Lets say a customer wanted speakers in 10 rooms in their house and two of those rooms were Surround Sound Systems. The first question asked is "Can I play different music to all 10 rooms at the same time? YES. If you have 10 different people that want to play their own music, then yes you can. Lets then say you have your Surround Sound System downstairs, and your children have speakers in their rooms upstairs. Your watching your Surround Sound and they want to listen to your Surround Sound upstairs on their speakers. Simple, they can join in on your Surround Sound audio and listen to it on their speakers in their rooms.
The options are endless, you like to host parties, and want music outside. Okay so you add outdoor speakers and a Sonos amplifier for these speakers. Can you integrate these speakers into your existing Sonos Speaker system in your house? Yes. When your outside you can just load the Sonos app and choose to play your streaming music (or music loaded on your phone) to the Outdoor Patio Speakers. Don't forget at the same time others can be inside listening to music from the app in their rooms, or on the Sonos Home Theater. Keep in mind this is not a Bluetooth system but uses an internet network to transfer the music. This allows for a much more solid connection between your speakers.
With the options being endless, these systems can now be integrated with Alexa, and soon to be Google Home. Whether you buy a Speaker with Alexa built in, or just have a echo, or home device, you can use voice commands to play music instead of using your app.
"Alexa, pause in the Living Room", " Alexa, play the next song in the Kitchen", "Alexa, turn it up in the Bar".
These types of Whole Home Audio Systems have become extremely popular and you don't need your house to be under construction either to benefit from these. Though if you are building your home, then you can get as custom as you want. What is also great about these systems is you can always expand them later in the future. Say you want to start with one or two rooms of speakers. That's fine. Give it a try, you will find it is easy, convenient and will want speakers in other areas of your house also. It's easy to add to a Sonos system, you are not locked into a system that is not expandable.
If this is something you have thought about or think you may like, we would be happy to answer any questions you have, and then design and install a system that would work for you. Rest easy knowing that our pricing on Sonos items is the same as others online or in stores. We are an authorized Sonos Installer. Give us a call at 419.668.5131,
email us or fill out our form on our
Sonos Whole Home Audio Page and we would be happy to meet with you during an onsite consultation.
If you're prepared for a visit, kindly get in touch with us by calling, texting (419.668.5131), or utilizing our contact form to verify our availability at the office.
There may be instances when we are away conducting TV and home theater installations or consultations. So it is advisable to give us a call or reach out to us when you're ready to purchase your TV, mount it, set up your home theater installation, or undertake any other home entertainment project.
Contact us by phone or email